What does being green mean?

Here at HW, we are making a conscious effort to reduce our carbon footprint and support our mission.

We were one of the first Cape businesses to complete a Level I Verification for the  Cape and Islands Green program. Cape & Islands Green is an environmental initiative organized by a collective of environmentally-conscious business owners, with support from local chambers of commerce. The mission is to educate and encourage local businesses to engage in more environmentally sensitive practices to lessen our collective impact on the natural environment while creating a healthier workplace and reducing costs.

How we keep Green in sandwich:

  • We use one large Energy Star fridge instead of mini-fridges for lunches and snacks
  • Our staff carpool frequently to site visits and conferences
  • We use energy-efficient light bulbs in our buildings
  • Most of our Sandwich office electricity comes from solar power generated at a community solar garden
  • Staff use eco-friendly refillable water bottles, not bottled water
  • We use compostable cups and plates at company gatherings
  • We recycle paper and old electronics regularly
  • We purchase Green, organic cotton, US-made t-shirts for our staff


Horsley Witten employees wearing our organic, made in USA, 
TS Designs

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