Woburn Fire Dept. Headquarters

The City of Woburn constructed a 36,000 square foot fire department headquarters facility on 3.5 acres of municipal land. The two-story structure holds administrative offices, lockers, a fitness room, and living quarters. The city also constructed a second support building behind the headquarters for equipment maintenance. HW provided civil engineering services working with DiNisco Design Architects and Brown & Sardina Landscape Architects. Our staff conducted a feasibility study of four separate locations as part of the planning process. For the preferred headquarters location, we developed a conceptual design incorporating stormwater management and utility connections. The stormwater design features two large subsurface infiltration systems and drainage swales. HW also prepared a schematic design for cost estimating purposes, a site preparation design development package for the initial stages of construction, and the final construction documents. Construction of both buildings is complete.

CLIENT: City of Woburn, MA

OPPORTUNITY: The city had an opportunity to build a new Fire Dept. Headquarters.

SOLUTION: HW provided a feasibility study, civil engineering, stormwater management design, and permitting services to help the city meets its goals.

BENEFITS: This new location allows the fire department to rapidly answer calls from throughout the city. The fire department also enjoys the new building behind the headquarters for equipment storage and maintenance.

PARTNERS: DiNisco Design Architects and Brown & Sardina Landscape Architects


Janet Carter Bernardo, P.E.

