Pacific & Caribbean Island Water Resource Services

Are you looking for an expert who understands tropical watersheds and works closely with agencies and local organizations in the islands? Are you concerned about land-based sources of pollution? How about developing stormwater management regulations and design manuals? We can help. We provide watershed management plans, improved drainage, protected shorelines, and rain gardens.



Southeast Florida, US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, British Virgin Islands, Mustique, Bahamas, Hawaii (Oahu, Maui, Big Island), CNMI (Saipan, Rota), Guam, American Samoa, and the Republic of Palau.

Visit our tropical resource library for examples of our watershed management plans, erosion and sediment field guides, and watershed restoration plans, to name a few:


Meet our Expert, Anne Kitchell, LEED AP

Principal, Sr. Water Resources Engineer

With a background in coastal zone management and marine science, Anne has 17+ years of experience in watershed and stormwater management, regulatory program evaluations, implementation of restoration projects, pollutant load modeling, and stakeholder facilitation.

She currently manages HW’s 5-yr NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Contract for $2 million to provide technical support services for watershed and stormwater work in the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Florida, and in the Pacific jurisdictions of Hawaii, CNMI, Guam, and American Samoa.

508-833-6600 x 101 |


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