SANDWICH library

Our staff worked closely with the Town to create an appropriate design that not only improved access to the library but also met environmental challenges. By the end of the project, we saved the Town money and finished early since we utilized services from a paving contractor who was working nearby on municipal roads!

We continue to work with the Town on this project by volunteering to help maintain the bioretention area.  Visit our living laboratory at the library where we will be comparing groundcover alternatives to determine what the best bang for your stormwater treatment buck really is! Thanks to Hyannis Country Garden for the plants and mulch. Check out the interpretative sign next time you visit the library.


CLIENT: The Town of Sandwich, MA

OPPORTUNITY: Flooding in parking lot, pollution of wetlands and marsh

SOLUTION: Green stormwater infrastructure design and services

BENEFITS: improved parking options, decrease in flooding, protection of nearby wetlands, improved aesthetics, public education about stormwater management with interpretative sign




Brian Kuchar, RLA, P.E.