Norman Bird Sanctuary
The NBS Comprehensive Management Plan provides a roadmap to responsibly maintain, preserve, protect, and share this enormous treasure in perpetuity. The Plan will guide NBS staff and those that follow in maintaining all aspects of the site without overburdening it physically, and while continuing to celebrate the stories of its inhabitants past and present.
Working closely with the NBS cultural landscape architect, we identified restoration opportunities within the historical and cultural context of the Sanctuary’s long-term vision. Unfortunately, over time, exotic invasive plant species and water pollutants have compromised many of the natural systems within the Sanctuary. Our team of landscape architects and ecologists provided an assessment of the Sanctuary’s on site drainage, trail conditions, plant communities and campus facilities to develop an Invasive Species Management Plan, as well as a final Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan.
CLIENT: Norman Bird Sanctuary, Middletown, RI
OPPORTUNITY: Sanctuary assets had never been assessed or quantified
SOLUTION: Comprehensive facilities master plan to maintain the current sanctuary assets
BENEFITS: Quantified sanctuary assets and identified needed improvements, invasive plant management, protection of vital plant communities and habitat
*This plan won a RIASLA design award in 2019, honors mention, Planning & Analysis category!
“It has been a pleasure to work with Horsley Witten. They are very knowledgeable and the process was thorough. This project has helped us set a course for the future as we begin our capital plan campaign.”
Natasha Harrison, (former) Norman Bird Sanctuary Director