We provide environmental monitoring and sampling services to help clients with a variety of due diligence and regulatory requirements. All monitoring practices follow federal and state regulations.


Surface Water Quality

An important consideration for water resource protection studies and restoration design is surface water quality. Water quality sampling results help us define project goals and address restoration approaches for estuarine, riverine, lacustrine, and wetlands restoration projects. We monitor water quality parameters such as nutrient levels, clarity, and chlorophyll levels. These results help us evaluate the health of the aquatic environment and the appropriate methods for restoration and remediation. We gather in-situ field data using multi-parameter probes to monitor temperature, pH, conductivity, oxygen reduction potential, dissolved oxygen, salinity, total dissolved solids, and turbidity.

Stream Flow

Our staff collects data to understand the range of streamflow rates, velocities and water elevations to determine the project approach. Project examples include evaluating or designing a dam removal, culvert replacement, stream restoration, roadway improvement, stormwater management, or development projects. We measure point-in-time streamflow using standard USGS, cross-sectional stream gauging equipment and techniques. We also utilize automated water level loggers and doppler area/velocity meters for continuous, long-term data collection.


Groundwater Quality

Environmental scientists monitor and analyze groundwater quality for drinking water supply projects, due diligence investigations, support of waste site cleanup activities under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) and for other regulatory monitoring purposes. We collect groundwater samples consistent with low flow methodologies for laboratory analyses including but not limited to nutrients, pathogens, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, metals, perchlorate, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. We use the full suite of potential groundwater sampling and filtering techniques, including clean and ultra-clean sampling to support site and project needs.



We can collect, evaluate, and analyze soils for due diligence investigations, waste characterization, waste site cleanup activities under the MCP, and dredging/dam removal projects. Staff uses various tools and machinery to collect soil samples including a photoionization detector to determine the extent of contamination (visual, olfactory, and total organic vapors). Based on field screening results, we can submit soil samples for various laboratory analyses. We also evaluate subsurface soil conditions for civil and environmental design projects.


Soil Vapor and Indoor Air Quality

We can monitor and evaluate soil vapor and indoor air quality for due diligence investigations, landfill monitoring and support of waste site cleanup activities under the MCP. Soil vapor samples are collected through soil gas points installed with hand tools or drill rigs. We monitor soil, gas, and indoor air for total organic vapors with a photoionization detector or a gas meter prior to collection in a Summa canister for laboratory analysis.