culvert replacement and stormwater improvements

Crosby Landing is a popular Town-owned beach in Brewster, Massachusetts. The
access road to the beach crosses a sensitive salt marsh habitat dividing it into two
sections. Prior to completing this project, the access road contributed to significant salt marsh degradation by allowing only limited saltwater exchange to the isolated western section of salt marsh through a small, 18-inch culvert. Two other problems were the unmanaged stormwater runoff from the road and parking area and the propensity for the low-lying access road to flood during storms.

HW helped the Town solve these problems by evaluating and designing a climate change-resilient road raising, green stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) best practices to capture and treat stormwater runoff,and a replacement culvert that optimizes tidal flushing and fish and wildlife passage. HW conducted field wetlands resource delineation, hydraulic assessments to size the appropriate culvert replacement, cost/benefit analyses of options, design of the selected culvert replacement and stormwater management options, environmental permitting, and construction administration. In the spring of 2021, the project was completed with
improved tidal flow and water quality already evident.

CLIENT: Town of Brewster, MA

OPPORTUNITY: There was an undersized culvert which limited the saltwater exchange. Other problems included stormwater runoff and flooding during storm events.

SOLUTION: A climate-resilient road raising, green stormwater best practices, and a replacement culvert that optimizes tidal flushing.

BENEFITS: Improved tidal flow and water quality, salt marsh protection

 *View  a project video.

PARTNERS: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Cape Cod Conservation District (CCCD)

MCE Dirtworks, Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC)


Neal Price

principal scientist